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  • Notre-Dame: a very intrusive choir organ

    Notre-Dame should not be a playground for the French President of the Republic or the Archbishop of Paris. No doubt they think they have some legitimacy in the decisions they take, but they have…

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  • Tate Britain: Burlington Magazine’s opinion

    After writing our first news item about Tate Britain’s rehanging and acquisitions, we received the July issue of Burlington Magazine, whose editorial is devoted to precisely this subject. Those…

  • The Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame begins to emerge from limbo

    At the first "Assises de l’histoire de l’art" on Friday 7 July, an event organised by the Comité français de l’histoire de l’art at Sceaux during which several round-table discussions were held on a…

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  • Lie!

    On Tuesday 6 June, the Paris Council held a debate on the City Hall’s plan to redevelop the surroundings of Notre-Dame. Emmanuel Grégoire, the first deputy mayor, once again repeated an incredible…

  • The Fontainebleau woke festival

    We are very fond of the Festival de l’histoire de l’art, an annual three-day event that brings together a wide range of players from the museum, university, heritage and market worlds, as well as…

  • Threats to the heritage of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine

    The under-protection of France’s heritage, particularly in Paris, the incomprehensible lack of "sites patrimoniaux remarquables" in the capital with the exception of those in the 7th…

  • Surroundings of Notre-Dame: facts versus propaganda

    The defense of the gardens of Notre-Dame is also a battle of communication. Thus, the article by Claire Bommelaer in Le Figaro, very factual and well informed, was titled - in the print edition:…

  • The law that imposes gates around Square Jean XXIII

    Thanks to social networks, some Internet users can quickly disseminate vital information that can help advance heritage protection issues. For example, a Twitter account that prefers to remain…

  • Italy taxes photographs even for researchers

    La révolte gronde dans le milieu de l’histoire de l’art en Italie, et avec d’excellentes raisons. Le nouveau ministre de la Culture (Ministro dei Beni Culturali), Gennaro Sangiuliano, arrivé au…

  • In Réunion, a sculpture removed ?

    On 14 June 2020, when the destruction of sculptures was in full swing, the French President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron stated: "no statue will be removed". However, this is what the French…

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  • 50 millions !

    One point of the cathedral’s surrounds redevelopment project has not been sufficiently emphasised in recent days. Its implausible cost. Let’s remember that the day after the Notre-Dame fire, Anne…

  • Hôtel Mezzara : Take the money and run

    In our first article on Hector Guimard’s Hotel Mezzara, written in April 2020, Bénédicte Bonnet Saint-Georges wrote: "It is to be believed that heritage is considered a burden and that all pretexts…

  • Import VAT: another solution is possible

    The French Ministry of Finance and the French Ministry of Culture held a press briefing today on the issue of VAT on works of art which, for some days now, following the article published by Les…