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A portrait by Mary Beale acquired by Boston

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11/4/24 - Acquisition - Boston, Museum of Fine Arts - She was one of the first English women to really pursue a career as a painter in the second half of the 17th century. Influenced by Peter Lely, Mary Beale established herself in the portrait genre. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, recently purchased one of her paintings from the Peter Harrison Fine Arts gallery, produced at a time when the artist had achieved a certain renown; and while the museum can boast of having acquired a portrait of a woman painted by a woman, it can above all rejoice in having enriched its collections with a fine painting from the English 17th century.

1. Mary Beale (1633-1699)
Lady Gertrude Savile, Marchioness of Halifax, c. 1679
Oil on canvas - 125.7 x 100.3 cm
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts

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