Paris, jardin de l’Archevêché (square Jean XXIII)
Rachida Dati’s hot heritage issues in Paris
France’s new Minister of Culture didn’t get off to a great start when she approved the ’relocation-reconstruction’ of the Institut Curie’s Pavillon des Sources... But while the future of this Parisian…
On Tuesday 6 June, the Paris Council held a debate on the City Hall’s plan to redevelop the surroundings of Notre-Dame. Emmanuel Grégoire, the first deputy mayor, once again repeated an incredible…
Surroundings of Notre-Dame: facts versus propaganda
The defense of the gardens of Notre-Dame is also a battle of communication. Thus, the article by Claire Bommelaer in Le Figaro, very factual and well informed, was titled - in the print edition:…
Surroundings of Notre-Dame: the CNPA wants to keep the gates
La CNPA (Commission nationale de l’architecture et du patrimoine) se réunissait donc ce matin pour aborder la question des abords de Notre-Dame. Le problème de ce type de commissions est qu’elles…
The law that imposes gates around Square Jean XXIII
Thanks to social networks, some Internet users can quickly disseminate vital information that can help advance heritage protection issues. For example, a Twitter account that prefers to remain…
Open letter from associations about the Notre-Dame surroundings
As part of the major national project to rebuild Notre-Dame de Paris, the City of Paris has planned to redevelop the areas around the cathedral that extend from the square to the eastern end of…
Surroundings of Notre-Dame: the fake news of Emmanuel Grégoire (3): the disappeared benches
In our series on the fake news spread by Paris City Hall, we can go back to the title of the first article because this time Emmanuel Grégoire, the mayor’s first deputy, is clear and martial on a…
Surroundings of Notre-Dame. The fake news of the Paris City Hall (2): the remarkable tree cut down
We have changed the title of our second article on the Paris City Hall fake news somewhat, as we could not find a quote from Emmanuel Grégoire saying that no trees would be cut down for the…
Surroundings of Notre-Dame. Emmanuel Grégoire’s fake news (1): the light
Emmanuel Grégoire, and more generally the city hall of Paris, likes nothing better than to call his opponents names. He has no terms harsh enough to describe them, and that of "liar" comes up…
50 millions !
One point of the cathedral’s surrounds redevelopment project has not been sufficiently emphasised in recent days. Its implausible cost. Let’s remember that the day after the Notre-Dame fire, Anne…
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