Paris, jardin de l’Archevêché (square Jean XXIII)


  • Rachida Dati’s hot heritage issues in Paris

    France’s new Minister of Culture didn’t get off to a great start when she approved the ’relocation-reconstruction’ of the Institut Curie’s Pavillon des Sources... But while the future of this Parisian…

  • Lie!

    On Tuesday 6 June, the Paris Council held a debate on the City Hall’s plan to redevelop the surroundings of Notre-Dame. Emmanuel Grégoire, the first deputy mayor, once again repeated an incredible…

  • Surroundings of Notre-Dame: facts versus propaganda

    The defense of the gardens of Notre-Dame is also a battle of communication. Thus, the article by Claire Bommelaer in Le Figaro, very factual and well informed, was titled - in the print edition:…

  • The law that imposes gates around Square Jean XXIII

    Thanks to social networks, some Internet users can quickly disseminate vital information that can help advance heritage protection issues. For example, a Twitter account that prefers to remain…

  • 50 millions !

    One point of the cathedral’s surrounds redevelopment project has not been sufficiently emphasised in recent days. Its implausible cost. Let’s remember that the day after the Notre-Dame fire, Anne…


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