Paris, Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris


  • Théodore Rousseau (1812-1867). The voice of the forest

    Théodore Rousseau (1812-1867). La voix de la forêt Paris, Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, from 5 March to 7 July 2024. Relegated to the rank of ‘tartouillades’, ‘bastard…

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  • A painting by Rochegrosse acquired by the Petit Palais

    It is difficult to know whether this Japanese from Workshop is really Sarah Bernhardt. The painting is by Georges Rochegrosse, who represented the actress on several occasions. It was bought by…

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  • Sarah Bernhardt. And the woman created the star

    "I’m not sure that Madame Sarah Bernhardt, at the point she’s at, is still able to find the right intonation to say "Good morning Sir, how are you?" She needs the extraordinary to be herself" The…

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  • The Petit Palais exhibits its latest purchases

    Since nature abhors a vacuum, it seemed a shame to close off part of the lower level of the Paris museum between temporary exhibitions, even if the two rotundas framing the gallery where the…

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  • A first painting by Edelfelt for the Petit Palais

    A familiar image in French school textbooks, the Portrait of Louis Pasteur by Albert Edelfelt was paradoxically much better known in this country than its author, who was nevertheless the first…

  • The Louvre preempts a drawing by Degas

    Degas était-il un peintre impressionniste ? Une exposition au musée de Giverny avait posé la question en 2015 (voir l’article). Car non seulement il ne peignait pas en plein air, mais il se forma…

  • André Devambez. Vertiges de l’imagination

    Alors qu’on attendait La Charge ou L’Exposition internationale de 1937 vue du deuxième étage de la tour Eiffel, ses deux réalisations les plus connues, c’est un grand portrait hilare d’André Devambez…

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  • Albert Edelfelt. Lumières de Finlande

    Premier artiste finlandais à rejoindre les collections publiques françaises après que son Service divin au bord de la mer décoré d’une médaille de seconde classe au salon de 1882 fut acquis par l’État,…

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