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Apollon finally returns to Versailles

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23/8/23 - Restoration and redeployment - Versailles, Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon - In many respects, some of the jewels in the national collections are like survivors, having outlived both natural disasters and the upheavals of history, not to mention the harmful consequences of human actions. Readers of La Tribune de l’Art are well aware of the sad fate of the marvelous marble sculptures in the bosquet des Bains d’Apollon, regularly denounced by us since 2007 (see article): abandoned, exiled and then cloistered away, these great 17th century masterpieces remained sadly out of sight until recently. It is therefore with great satisfaction that we welcome their installation - rather discreetly completed over the summer - in the lower vestibule of the Chapelle…

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