Didier Rykner


  • The Treasury of Notre-Dame cathedral

    Contrary to what you might read here or there (and even in some of the texts of the remarkable catalogue accompanying the Louvre exhibition), the treasury of Notre-Dame cathedral was not saved…

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  • A painting by Bonnefond donated to Amiens

    A new painting that belonged to Bruno Foucart’s collection has just made its way into a museum, the Picardie Museum in Amiens, this time donated by Vincent Foucart, another of his brothers, who is…

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  • A Vallayer-Coster exhibition at the Galerie Coatalem

    Si Anne Vallayer-Coster a fait l’objet d’une rétrospective en France, c’était à Marseille, en 2003. Mais Paris n’avait jamais eu la chance de voir réunies en un même lieu un grand nombre de ses tableaux.…

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  • The Oberkampf Pool finally listed as a historic monument

    Fortunately, it’s not all bad news. We reported a year and a half ago on the threats hanging over the Molitor Pool, a fine example of Art Deco, a style that has been vandalised too often in recent…

  • La Tribune de l’Art lance sa souscription de fin d’année

    L’article 39 bis A du code général des impôts prévoit d’accorder des déductions fiscales aux dons effectués à la presse. Cela concerne les journaux reconnus comme « d’information politique et générale »…

  • A ter Brugghen exhibition in Modena

    Ter Brugghen à la Galleria Estense, en Émilie, non loin de Bologne, soit sur les terres des Carracci et de leurs élèves plutôt que sur celles des Caravagesques : une telle exposition peut surprendre…

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  • The French love their heritage

    One mayor asked his constituents whether to demolish or restore the village church, which was in a state of peril. Another put to the vote whether or not to move the statue of Napoleon that…

  • A Portuguese Renaissance painting for the Louvre

    A year ago, the Louvre organised a small but magnificent exhibition devoted to the Portuguese Renaissance. We explained that many works had been lost in the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, and that…

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