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A painting by Alonso Cano acquired for Córdoba

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12/4/24 - Acquisition - Córdoba, Mosque-Cathedral - Bent over or standing, with his arms tied behind his back or on his stomach, surrounded by his executioners or alone, Christ at the column is a subject that allows artists to depict a naked body, young and beautiful despite being bruised.
The Spaniard Alonso Cano painted it on several occasions, for example in pictures in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Pau and the Museu Nacional de Romania in Bucharest; an older, small wooden panel, dated 1620, is in the church of Santa Maria la Blanca in La Campana.

Alonso Cano (1601-1667)
Christ at the Column, 1620-1624
Oil on canvas - 165 x 111 cm
Córdoba, Mosque-Cathedral
Photo: Segre Subastas
See the image in its page

An unpublished painting held in a private collection has…

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