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The Musée Rodin buys an early work by the artist

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31/3/24 - Acquisition - Paris, Musée Rodin - An exhibition devoted to Carrier-Belleuse at Compiègne in 2014 recalled - even in its title, to attract visitors - that this great sculptor of the Second Empire was Auguste Rodin’s master (see article). Their works were compared in one section of the exhibition to show the influence of Rodin on Rodin in his early years.

1. Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)
Bust of a Young Woman with Roses in Her Hair, 1863-1865
Terracotta - 39.6 x 26 x 22 cm
Paris, Musée Rodin
Photo: Musée Rodin/Jérome Manoukian
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The Musée Rodin recently purchased a sculpture from the Parisian Galerie Nicolas Bourriaud, which helps to illustrate this early production (ill. 1): not only is it a previously unpublished work, it is also…

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