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Two paintings by Bouguereau restored at Saint-Vincent-de-Paul

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11/7/23 - Restoration - Paris, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul - This is about the only cause for satisfaction in Paris, but it is real: the restoration of the churches is progressing and we are even late in describing all the operations that have already been carried out. Admittedly, some of these restorations are due to sponsorship, but the municipality is finally allocating a real budget to them. Once again, we can be be grateful for the the presence of Karen Taïeb as deputy heritage manager, who is devoting a great deal of energy to the task, and of the efficiency of the departments in charge of restorations, the Conservation des oeuvres d’art religieuses et civiles (COARC) and the Département des édifices cultuels et historiques (DECH).

1. Chapel of the Virgin Mary in the église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, with the two restored paintings on the left and The Adoration of the Magi and The Flight into Egypt on the right, which are virtually indistinguishable.
Photo: Didier Rykner
See the image in its page
2. Chapel of the Virgin in the église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, with the two restored paintings on the right and The Annunciation and The Marriage of the Virgin on the left.
Photo: COARC
See the image in its page

Two paintings by William Bouguereau have just been restored in the chapel of the Virgin (the axial chapel) in the church of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul. Two out of eight, and for the moment there are no plans for the rest, but the result is such that it will clearly be impossible to leave the other six unrestored. The comparison between those that have just been restored to their full glory (left) and the two that are still completely blackened by accumulated dirt, particularly from the candles, and whose compositions can barely be seen (right) is eloquent (ill. 1). Even those to the left of the restored paintings, which have not suffered the full force of the candle smoke, are very dull (ill. 2).

3. The Adoration…

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