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This Pichon was none other than an Ingres...

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Discovery - Art market, Paris - Pierre-Auguste Pichon was a close pupil and collaborator of Ingres. An interesting religious painter, he painted decorations for the churches of Saint-Eustache, Saint-Séverin, Saint-Sulpice and the Jesuit church on rue de Sèvres (the latter decoration having been destroyed or hidden by a coat of paint). His paintings can also be found in many provincial churches, notably in Freigné in Maine-et-Loire, in the basilique Notre-Dame de Cléry-Saint-André in Loiret, and in l’église de Tracy-sur-Loire in Loire. He participated in several replicas of the portrait of Ferdinand d’Orléans by Ingres.
Part of his studio collection was sold today not far from the Hôtel Drouot, at 20 rue Drouot, by Artus Enchères. Several lots were on offer, including preparatory…

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