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The Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame begins to emerge from limbo

All the versions of this article: English , français
1. Charles Personnaz
Photo: MC Vigutto/Inp
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At the first "Assises de l’histoire de l’art" on Friday 7 July, an event organised by the Comité français de l’histoire de l’art at Sceaux during which several round-table discussions were held on a variety of subjects, one of them concerned a possible museum of the Œuvre de Notre-Dame. But on the same day, the Ministry of Culture issued a press release containing some extremely welcome news: Charles Personnaz (ill. 1) has just been entrusted with a prefiguration mission for this establishment. His task will be to draw up an initial outline of the institution’s scientific and cultural project, make proposals for its location and its architectural and museographic programme, thus giving thought to…

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