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The ‘ephemeral’ Grand Palais must go

All the versions of this article: English , français
The ephemeral Grand Palais on 29 August 2023
Photo: Didier Rykner
See the image in its page

Never, of course, should the Ministry of Culture or Paris City Council have agreed to the installation of the ‘ephemeral’ Grand Palais in front of the École Militaire, a building by Gabriel, one of France’s greatest architects, and a classified historic monument, and on the Champ-de-Mars, a classified site that has been martyred for years (see articles). If the Grand Palais had to be replaced when it was closed for renovation work, it should have been done in a less heritage-sensitive location. This wart built by Jean-Michel Wilmotte is not content to take the place of a garden and ruin the view of one of the most beautiful 18th-century monuments in Paris. Anyone who has…

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