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Portrait of Léon Monet donated to the Musée Marmottan

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15/11/24 - Acquisition - Paris, Musée Marmottan Monet - It was presented publicly for the first time at the Musée du Luxembourg last year, as the star work of the monographic exhibition Léon Monet (see article). Then on loan from a private collection, the portrait of his brother Léon painted by Claude Monet in 1874 is now with the Musée Marmottan Monet, donated by Max Cauvin and his daughter Pascale in memory of their wife and mother Françoise Cauvin, Léon Monet’s granddaughter who died in 2017. This donation was suggested by the last lines of the exhibition catalogue, which mention Françoise Cauvin’s determination to make the story of Léon and Claude Monet, her grandfather and great-uncle, better known, in particular through the inclusion of this emblematic portrait in French public…

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