The Burlington Magazine - n°1353 - Décembre 2015


Neil MacGregor and the British Museum


Dillian Gordon, A possible French source for the left wing of the Wilton Diptych

Michael Hall, The crystal sceptre of the City of London

Antonio Russo, Federico Zuccari and the chapel of the Dukes of Urbino at Loreto: the design for the altar of the Annunciation

Peter N. Lindfield, Matthew M. Reeve, ‘A Child of Strawberry’: Thomas Barrett and Lee Priory, Kent

Sam Bowker, Matisse and the khayamiya: an Egyptian curtain unveiled

Susanna Avery-Quash, The Art of Conservation II: Sir Charles Eastlake and conservation at the National Gallery, London


Mariam Rosser-Owen, Le Maroc médiéval: Un empire de l’Afrique à l’Espagne, Y. Lintz, C. Déléry and B.T.Leonetti, eds.

Cristina Cruz González, Painting in Latin America, 1550–1820: From Conquest to Independence, L.E. Alcalá and J. Brown, eds.

Zahira Véliz Bomford, American Painters on Technique. Volume I: The Colonial Period to 1860; Volume II: 1860–1945, L. Mayer and G. Myers

Philip Ward-Jackson, Le relief au croisement des arts du XIXe siècle, C. Barbillon

Peter Cooke, Benjamin-Constant: Marvels and Mirages of Orientalism, N. Bondil, ed.

Michael Hall, The Buildings of England. Cambridgeshire, S. Bradley and N. Pevsner

Nicholas Watkins, Matisse’s Sculpture. The Pinup and the Primitive, E. McBreen

Robert Radford, TaTa Dada: The Real Life and Celestial Adventures of Tristan Tzara, M. Hentea

Alice Correia, Grown But Not Made: British Modernist Sculpture and the New Biology, E. Juler


Xavier F. Salomon, Goya portraits

Owen Hopkins, Palladian design

James Cahill, Contemporary round up

Olivia Parker, The Fallen Woman

Richard Shone, Sickert in Dieppe

David Pullins, Fragonard

Gerrit Walczak, Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun

Marcel Roethlisberger, Jean-Pierre Saint-Ours in Geneva

Alexander Adams, Munch : Van Gogh

Frances Spalding, Divine Beauty

Rosalind McKever, Picasso sculpture

Anne Blood, Soviet film and photography

Amy Golahny, Rembrandt etchings

Eric Zafran, Made in the Americas

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