The Burlington Magazine - n°1351 - Octobre 2015


A new history of conservation and technical studies


Charles Hope, Titian’s ‘Danaë’ for Philip II of Spain: a clarification

John Gash, Spadarino’s ‘Doubting Thomas’ rediscovered

Giuseppe Porzio and Domenico Antonio D’Alessandro, Ribera between Rome and Naples: new documentary evidence

Henriette Pommier, Poussin in Lyon in 1622

Hilliard T. Goldfarb, Valentin de Boulogne’s ‘Abraham sacrificing Isaac’ at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Christopher Maxwell, ‘The most perfect taste’: the Rothschild acquisitions at the Hamilton Palace sale of 1882

The Art of Conservation I

Theodore de Mayerne, the King’s black paintings and seventeenth- century methods of restoring and conserving paintings
By Ulrike Kern


Jane Martineau, Raphael, Notes and introduction by W.E. Suida, preface by B. Talvacchia

Jane Martineau, Emigrés: The Transformation of Art Publishing in Britain, A. Nyburg

Francis Russell, La Pala d’Altare a Bologna nel Rinascimento, opere, artisti e città, 1450–1500, C. Cavalea

Jennifer Fletcher, Bartolomeo Cincani, detto Montagna: Dipinti, M. Lucco, with contributions by M.E. Avagnina, M. Barausse and G.C.F. Villa

David Franklin, Parmigianino’s ‘Madonna of the Long Neck’: A Grace beyond the Reach of Art, E.J. Olszewski

Erika Langmuir, Carlo Dolci Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, F. Baldassari, translated by A. Brierley

Tessa Murdoch, Roman Splendour: English Arcadia: The English Taste for Pietre Dure and the Sixtus Cabinet at Stourhead, S. Swynfen Jervis and D. Dodd

F. Carlo Schmid, Dahl und Friedrich. Romantische Landschaften, B. Kuhlmann-Hodick, G. Spitzer, E. Haverkamp and B. Sørensen, eds.

Paul Caffrey, European Portrait Miniatures: Artists, Functions and Collections, B. Pappe, J. Schmieglitz-Otten and G. Walczak, eds.

Helle Anita Brøns, The Art and Politics of Asger Jorn. The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up, K. Kurczynski

Catherine Craft, The Long March of Pop: Art, Music and Design 1930–1995, T. Crow

Publications received


Clare Hornsby, Drawn from the Antique

Marina Vaizey, Captain Linneaus Tripe

Sarah Whitfield, Fausto Pirandello

Christopher Baker, Adam Buck

David Anfam, Jackson Pollock

Rachel Smith, St Ives artists

Joanna Cannon, Gold and ivory in Paris and Tuscany

Erika Langmuir, Carlo Dolci

Richard R. Brettell, Flower painting

Eric Zafran, Cochineal

Frank Dabell, Federico da Montefeltro’s studiolo


Notes on contributors

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