The Burlington Magazine - n° 1429 vol CLXIV - April 2022

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Notre Dame, two years on


Lucy Davis, Natalia Munoz-Rojas, The provenance of ‘Het Steen’ and ‘The rainbow landscape’ by Rubens

Lucia Bonazzi, Richard Vickris Pryor in the art market of Napoleonic Europe

Margaret Oppenheimer, From Paris to New York : French paintings from the collection of Eliza Jumel

Eckart Marchand, Aby Warburg and the Volksheim exhibitions of 1902 and 1905

Hiltrud Westermann-Angerhausen, Medieval and Renaissance enamels and other works of art in the Wyvern Collection

Nicholas Penny, The Italian Renaissance altarpiece


Beth McKillop, The Burrell Collection

Elizabeth Pilliod, Wealth and Beauty : Pier Francesco Foschi and Painting in Renaissance Florence

Timothy J. Standring, Poussin and the Dance

Noémi Duperron, Le Théâtre de Troie : Antoine Coypel, d’Homère à Virgile

Eric Zafran, Paintings on Stone : Science and the Sacred 1530–1800

Rebecca Daniels, Francis Bacon : Man and Beast

Peter Y. K. Lam, Collectors, Curators, Connoisseurs : A Century of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1921–2021

Andrea De Marchi, Paolo Veneziano : Art and Devotion in 14th-Century Venice

Angela Delaforce, Vi o Reino Renovar : Arte no Tempo de D. Manuel I

Pascal-François Bertrand, Sallandrouze de Lamornaix 1801–1878 : Histoire d’une manufacture d’ exception

Edward S. Cooke, Majolica Mania : Transatlantic Pottery in England and the United States, 1850–1915

Mark Stocker, Rita Angus : New Zealand Modernist / He Ringatoi Hou o Aotearoa Rita Angus : An Artist’s Life

Jenelle Porter, With Pleasure : Pattern and Decoration in American Art 1972–1985


Rowan Watson, Renaissance Illuminators in Paris : Artists and Artisans 1500–1715

Irene Quadri, Objects, Relics, and Migrants : The Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan and the Cult of its Saints (386–972)

Larry Silver, Hans Baldung Grien : Neue Perspektiven auf sein Werk

Peter Humfrey, The Art Collector in Early Modern Italy : Andrea Odoni and his Venetian Palace

Richard Wrigley, Time, Media, and Visuality in Post- Revolutionary France

Philip Ward-Jackson, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen / Neue Pinakothek : Katalog der Skulpturen Volume I : Die Sammlung Ludwigs I Volume II : Adolf von Hildebrand

Colin Rhodes, The Power and Fluidity of Girlhood in Henry Darger’s Art


Peter Cherry, Jonathan Brown (1939–2022)


Recent acquisitions at The Spanish Gallery, Bishop Auckland

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