The Burlington Magazine - n° 1424 vol CLXIII - November 2021



Going, going, gone


Jessica barker, Emily Pegues, Graeme McArthur, ‘Fully armed in plate of war’ : making the effigy of the Black Prince

Jeremy Warren, Giambologna’s ‘Andromeda’ : a new model ?

Molly-Claire Gillett, Chiloé’s ‘St Michael’ : reconsidering sources for the Hispano-Chilote school of sculpture

Pierre-Hippolyte Pénet, A competition for the funerary monument of Queen Catherine Opalinska

Malcolm Baker, Henry Cheere’s statue of Christopher Codrington : conventions and setting

Paul Holberton, Giorgione’s ‘Tempest’ : a riddle without a cause


Natalie Rudd, Barbara Hepworth : Art & Life

Peter Kidd, Fragmented Illuminations : Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Cuttings at the V&A

Robert J. Vogt, Terrible Beauty : Elephant – Human – Ivory

Adriano Aymonino, Raphael and the Domus Aurea : The Invention of Grotesque Ornament

John K Grande, Riopelle : The Call of Northern Landscapes and Indigenous Cultures

Luuk Pijl, Jacobus Vrel : Searching for Clues to an Enigmatic Artist

Charles Avery, Rembrandt’s Elephant : Following in Hansken’s Footsteps

Louis Deltour, Modernités suisses

Florian Knothe, Artifices instables : Histoires de céramics

Philip Rylands, La regione delle Madri : I paesaggi di Osvaldo Licini


Alexander Heinemann, A Catalogue of the Sculpture Collection at Wilton House

Ivan Drpic, The Wyvern Collection : Byzantine and Sasanian Silver, Enamels and Works of Art

Sandy Heslop, Agata Gomolka, Pygmalion’s Power : Romanesque Sculpture, the Senses, and Religious Experience

Paul Williamson, La sculpture gothique 1140–1430

David Ekserdjian, Studi sulla pittura toscana del Rinascimento / Studies in Tuscan Renaissance Painting

Guillaume Faroult, Fragonard : Painting Out of Time

Jane Fejfer, From Memory to Marble : The Historical Frieze of the Voortrekker Monument. Volume I : The Frieze. Volume II : The Scenes

Bernardo Laniado-Romero, Rethinking Guernica

Susannah Thompson, The Story of Scottish Art


Ernst van de Wetering (1938–2021)

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