The Burlington Magazine - n° 1421 vol CLXIII - August 2021

Art in Renaissance Italy


The Becket exhibition


Giulio Dalvit, Sano di Pietro, Vecchietta and two Jachomo d’Andreuccios

Alexander Röstel, The house and collection of Giuliano, Antonio and Francesco da Sangallo

Gustav Medicus, The meanings of Domenico Beccafumi’s ‘Nativity’ in S. Martino, Siena

Georgios E. Markou, Jacopo Tintoretto, his heirs and the family enterprise

Renana Bartal, The Origins of an illuminated ‘Meditationes Vitae Christi’ manuscript

Nora Gietz, Preserving Giotto and Titian in Padua : new Napoleonic documents


Colin Rhodes, Jean Dubuffet : Brutal Beauty

Gregory Martin, Rubens : Reuniting the Great Landscapes

Yohan Rimaud, François Boucher : A Rococo Artist

Ann Gunn, The Romance of Ruins : The Search for Ancient Ionia, 1764

Andrew Wilton, A Passion for Landscape : Rediscovering John Crome

Mirjam Hoijtink, Slavery : Ten True Stories

Alexandre Gady, Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection

Verity Mackenzie, Eileen Agar : Angel of Anarchy

Talia Kwartler, Nina Hamnett / Lisa Brice

Sarah Bolwell, Haegue Yang : Strange Attractors


Patrizia Cavazzini, Le vite degli artisti di Gaspare Celio : ‘Compendio delle Vite di Vasari con alcune aggiunte’ (Biblioteca dell’ ‘Archivum Romanicum’. Serie I : Storia, Letteratura, Paleografia, 504)

Clare Vernon, Designing Norman Sicily : Material Culture and Society

Adriano Aymonino, Antiquities in Motion : From Excavation Sites to Renaissance Collections

Antonio Tantardini, Lucia Tantardini, Bernardino Luini : Catalogo generale delle opere

François Quiviger, La Sala Grande di Palazzo Vecchio e la Battaglia di Anghiari di Leonardo da Vinci : Dalla configurazione architettonica all’apparato decorativo (Biblioteca Leonardiana. Studi e Documenti, 8)

John Gash, Un misto di grano e di pula : Scritti su Caravaggio e l’ambiente caravaggesco

Alastair Lang, L’Amour peintre : L’imagerie érotique en France au XVIIIe siècle

Popular Art and the Avant-Garde : Vincent van Gogh’s Collection of Newspaper and Magazine Prints

Rosie Ram, Art and Masculinity in Post-War Britain : Reconstructing Home

Claudio Gulli, I Girolamini : Storie di artisti e committenti a Napoli nel Seicento

Simon Jervis, Giacomo Raffaelli (1753–1836) : Maestro di stile e di mosaico

Gill Hedley, John Craxton : A Life of Gifts

Martin Hammer, Of Modernism : Essays in Honour of Christopher Green

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