Artibus et historiae - An art anthologie - n°82, 2020


Pietro C. Mariani, L’assalto a un bastione disegnato da Leonardo nel giardino di Charles d’Amboise

Joseph F. Gregory, Reframing an Icon : Leonardo’s Paris Virgin of the Rocks and the Economy of Salvation

Hana Šedinova, Vis nominis, vis textus, vis imaginis. Gli esseri marini denominati in base agli animali terrestri nelle opere di Tommaso di Cantimpré e di Paulerinus

Jakub Adamski, Double-Nave Friar Churches in Prussia and the Questions of Asymmetry and Irregularity in the Medieval Architecture of the Mendicant Orders

Thomas Martin, Filarete’s Odysseus and Iros : Its Meaning and Albertian Source

Antoni Ziemba, ‘Write here whatever you want’ : Empty Banderols in Northern European Art of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries

James R. Jewitt, Dosso Dossi’s Jupiter Painting Butterflies : Artistic Rivalry and Imitation in Renaissance Ferrara

Peter Humfrey, Venetian Painted Ceilings of the Renaissance and the Direction of Light

Eugene J. Johnson, The Villa Giulia as a Performance Space

Irving Lavin with Marilyn Aronberg Lavin, The ‘Palestrina Pietà’ : Gatherings on the History of ‘a Statue Begun by Michelangelo’

Aneta Georgievska-Shine, ‘A nymph, a goddess, or a fairy queen’ : Van Dyck and the Poetics of Conversion in Rinaldo and Armida

Arnaud Manas, La fresque de François Perrier de la galerie de l’hôtel de La Vrillière : une nouvelle interprétation

Pierre Rosenberg, Défense et illustration des catalogues raisonnés : l’exemple de Poussin

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