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Dijon acquires a marble by Jean Dampt

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10/1/24 - Acquisition - Dijon, Musée des beaux-Arts - As it prepares an exhibition of the work of Jean Dampt, to be curated by Naïs Lefrançois and held in autumn 2025 (see announcement), the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon has been able to purchase one of his sculptures from the Monaco gallery Robert Zehil. It completes the studio collection donated to the museum by the artist just before his death.
This Baby’s Head with an Apple exhibited at the 1895 Salon was praised by critic Louis de Fourcaud, who wrote: "Mr Dampt, a conscientious and delicate artist [...] moves me more, in short, in his portraits of children, both learned and naive, of which he shows us three excellent specimens in silver, bronze and marble [1]. This skilful naivety can be seen in the infant face receiving a Kiss…

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