Artibus et historiae - An art anthology - n°69, 2014


CHARLES BURROUGHS, Indicating Heaven : Botticelli’s Coronation of the Virgin and Mediated Imagery

RICHARD STAPLEFORD, Botticelli and the Golden Section in the Lehman Annunciation

JOSEPH POLZER, Michelangelo’s Sistine Last Judgment and Buffalmacco’s Murals in the Campo Santo of Pisa

PAULA CARABELL, Figura Serpentinata: Becoming over Being in Michelangelo’s Unfinished Works

WILLIAM E. WALLACE, Michelangelo, Luigi del Riccio, and the Tomb of Cecchino Bracci

MARTHA DUNKELMAN, What Michelangelo Learned in Bologna

ACHIM TIMMERMANN, Locus calvariae: Walking and Hanging with Christ and the Good Thief, c. 1350 – c. 1700

CLAUDIA STEINHARDT-HIRSCH, Tra iconologia e teologia cassinese. La luce divina nella Notte del Correggio

EUGENE J. JOHNSON, The Theater at Lyon of 1548: A Reconstruction and Attribution

MARILYN ARONBERG LAVIN, Signed, Sealed, and Delivered: Federico Barocci’s Indulgenced Print of the Perdono

DAMIEN BRIL, A la croisée des genres. Louis XIV et le portrait équestre

SARAH LIPPERT, Salomé to Medusa by Way of Narcissus: Moreau and Typological Conflation

NAWOJKA CIEŚLIŃSKA-LOBKOWICZ, Das Spannungsfeld von Nationalgedächtnis und Politik: Restitution in Europa

ELIZABETH RICHARDS RIVENBARK, Corporeal Furnishings in the Sixties: Furniture as Art and Its Intimacy with the Body

PAN YAOCHANG,The Posters of the Mao Era: A Perspective of Art and Society

ZDZISŁAW ŻYGULSKI, JR, The Prophetic Shield of John III Sobieski and the Edict of Milan

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