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A Letourneur sculpture donated to Cherbourg

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3/8/23 - Acquisition - Cherbourg, Musée Thomas-Henry "Flesh that you cut, old chap, it’s a disturbing thing, you love it and you’re afraid of it, it vibrates so much. But it’s very difficult to work, it’s as hard as a donkey and the tools only go through it, there’s a lot of iron in there". Milan marble, reserved for the cathedral construction site, was relatively rare. René Letourneur describes his fascination with this material in a 1927 letter to the sculptor Jacques Zwobada. The pinkish-yellow flesh of the stone was used to convey feminine sensuality, as evidenced by the Musée Thomas-Henry in Cherbourg’s latest acquisition, a sculpture beautifully entitled Momentum, which adds to an already rich collection of early 20th-century sculptures.

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