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A painting by Stanzione donated to Washington

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21/8/23 - Acquisition - Washington, National Gallery - Paintings that do not depict slaves or that are not painted by women can enter the National Gallery in Washington, but this is now quite rare. Fortunately, there are still donors who are not necessarily focused on the gender of the painter of the paintings they offer: thus a canvas by Massimo Stanzione has recently entered the collections, a Virgin with Child (ill. 1), by the Neapolitan painter Massimo Stanzione.

1. Massimo Stanzione (1585-1656)
Virgine with Child, c. 1635-1640
Oil on canvas - 98.1 x 73.7 cm
Washington, National Gallery
Photo: NGA (public domain)
See the image in its page

According to the museum’s website, the work, which was donated in 2022 by Todd McDonald and Steve Harkabus, is unpublished.…

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