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A new drawing by Émile Schuffenecker for Pont-Aven

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12/7/13 - Acquisition - Pont-Aven, Musée - It was one of a number of museum acquisitions that punctuated the second part of the sale of the Talabardon & Gautier gallery collection organised by Ader on 23 March, a session that was widely covered in our pages. The Musée de Pont-Aven’s purchase of Émile Schuffenecker’s Portrait of Émile Bernard (ill. 1) for 23,040 euros (including fees) brings to ten the number of works by the artist in its collection. Previously kept in private hands, the portrait had been shown publicly on a few rare occasions, notably at the Musée de Pont-Aven in 1996 during the retrospective devoted to the artist in collaboration with the Musée Maurice Denis in Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

1. Claude-Émile Schuffenecker (1851-1934)
Portrait of Émile Bernard, c.…

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