Jacques Bellange (vers 1575-1616)


  • The Louvre buys a drawing by Jacques Bellange

    This is certainly one of the most beautiful sheets by Jacques Bellange to reappear on the market in recent years, and we mentioned it in article on the Christie’s sale on 20 March 2024. The Musée…

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  • A sale of drawings at Christie’s

    It’s only a short step from the allegory of Glory appearing in the sky brandishing crowns to the crouching Polichinelle defecating in front of his comrades. Lovers of the graphic arts can choose…

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  • Actualité du Musée Condé : restaurations, expositions

    Tout n’est que faste et fête à Chantilly où une exposition d’arts graphiques déploie des costumes d’apparat et de spectacle du XVIIe siècle, tandis que plusieurs campagnes de restauration rendent leur…

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