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Death of Dominique Ponnau

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Dominique Ponnau
Photo : École du Louvre/BM/DR
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11/4/24 - Obituary - Dominique Ponnau, General Curator of Heritage and Director of the École du Louvre from 1982 to 2002, died on 7 April 2024 [1]. Many people, particularly his former students, will remember him for his humane way of looking at things and for his writings, which were imbued with both science and spirituality. He chaired the Commission pour la sauvegarde et l’enrichissement du patrimoine cultuel from 1980 to 2005, at a time when post-conciliar vandalism was still rampant in places of worship. His reading of Caravaggio’s work[Caravaggio une lecture, Paris: Cerf, 1993.]] and his vision of art not only as cosa mentale but also as a sacred thing had a profound effect on those who…

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