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409 results

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  • Several paintings put up for sale by Tajan

    (…) over the Tajan sale on 21 June in Paris, which brings together several paintings whose attribution (…) 1930s by Léon Creissels, honorary counsellor at the Paris Court of Appeal, president of the Assize (…)

  • Musée d’Orsay buys a pastel by Devambez

    (…) -Arts in Rennes and the Petit Palais in Paris, which have devoted an exhibition to him (see (…) -Arts in Rennes and the Petit Palais in Paris, which have devoted an exhibition to him (see (…)

  • Marquet in Normandy

    (…) from Bordeaux, who moved to Paris early on, have been identified (…) unlike the artist's work in Paris, the Mediterranean and Algeria, has never (…) d’origine, tôt établi à Paris, ont été identifiés à la (…)

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  • A new drawing by Victor Prouvé for Issy-les-Moulineaux

    (…) . 1). Acquired from the Galerie Charvet in Paris, this beautiful drawing in charcoal, red chalk and (…) the artist. Acquired from the Galerie Charvet in Paris, this beautiful drawing in charcoal, red chalk (…)

  • A new Samuel van Hoogstraten for Dordrecht

    (…) (1927-2018), who hung it in his superb Paris mansion. --------------------------- Sold at Christie's in Monaco (…) entire contents of which were dispersed in Paris a few days after the sale offering the (…)

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  • A Vuillard acquired by the Mahj

    (…) ), will join the permanent collection of the Paris museum from June. ------------------- This large portrait (…) ), will join the permanent collection of the Paris museum from June. [fr]Actualités[en]News (…)

  • A new Monet for Orsay

    (…) at the Durand-Ruel gallery in Paris and reproduced in black and white (…) à la galerie Durand-Ruel à Paris et reproduite en noir et blanc (…) Claude Monet (1840-1926) / Paris, Musée d'Orsay / Acquisitions

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  • Bordeaux buys a painting by Gervex

    (…) a Mirror purchased from the Galerie Charvet in Paris. ----- This work shows once again that Gervex is (…) a Mirror purchased from the Galerie Charvet in Paris. [fr]Actualités[en]News / [fr]Brèves[en]News (…)

  • Stockholm buys its first painting by Marguerite Gérard

    (…) astonishing "Biennale" sale organised by Christie's in Paris (see article). However, it was again on sale (…) de la collection Ribes chez Sotheby's à Paris en décembre 2019, le musée suédois ne pouvait (…)

  • Laurence Madeline appointed director of Besançon’s museums

    (…) nationale supérieure des beaux-arts in Paris. At the end of January, (…) career at the Picasso Museum in Paris, where she was in charge (…) nationale supérieure des beaux-arts in Paris. At the end of January, (…)

  • A painting by Millet bought by Cherbourg

    (…) during his formative years: having left Cherbourg for Paris, he entered the École des beaux-arts where (…) during his formative years: having left Cherbourg for Paris, he entered the École des beaux-arts (…)

  • A new Domenico Piola for the Palazzo Spinola

    (…) Ministry of Culture from the Galerie Canesso in Paris. Kept in private hands in Lugano since its (…) Ministry of Culture from the Galerie Canesso in Paris. Kept in private hands in Lugano since its (…)

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  • A work by the Master of the Corsi Crucifix for Florence

    (…) owner, based in London, Monaco and more recently Paris, had already presented it in an exhibition in (…) owner, based in London, Monaco and more recently Paris, had already presented it in an exhibition in (…)

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