Research announcement: Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guérin (1783-1855)

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Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guérin (1783-1855)
Mrs Paulin Guérin, young, undated
Oil on canvas, 77 x 62 cm
Toulon, Musée d’Art de Toulon
Photo : Musée d’Art de Toulon
See the image in its page

As a second-year student on the Creation, Diffusion and Heritage master’s programme at Sorbonne University, under the supervision of Barthélémy Jobert, I am writing a monographic dissertation on the painter Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guérin (1783-1855), for which I hope to produce the first catalogue raisonné.

I would like to thank in advance any readers, collectors or enthusiasts who would like to point out works or share information about this painter in order to complete my corpus.

I assure you of my utmost discretion. You can contact me by e-mail at the following address:

Adrien Lanctin

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