Didier Rykner


  • Pierre Alexandre Morlon, art in the service of the Republic

    Taking an interest in artists of local origin is one of the missions of French provincial museums, and we can only congratulate those who do so. Those born in Paris are often much less fortunate…

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  • Jacobus Vrel. Forerunner of Vermeer

    The biography of Jacobus Vrel, to whom the Fondation Custodia is devoting a remarkable retrospective, is a quick one to write: we know almost nothing about the artist, apart from his works (only…

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  • An exhibition on the Alps as a frontier

    It was 2012: the plans-reliefs were the subject of a high-profile and very expensive exhibition at the Grand Palais. At the time we wrote an article: "Musée des Plans-Reliefs: an exhibition. After…

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  • The rebirth of the Museo di Capodimonte e Real Bosco

    Une allée en face du Museo di Capodimonte surnommée l’allée aux seringues, de la prostitution infantile, le cadavre d’un jeune homme drogué découvert dans un bosquet, des pelouses en mauvais état, un…

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  • Tate Britain: Burlington Magazine’s opinion

    After writing our first news item about Tate Britain’s rehanging and acquisitions, we received the July issue of Burlington Magazine, whose editorial is devoted to precisely this subject. Those…

  • Tate Britain’s rehang and acquisitions (1/2)

    The new museum-wide presentation of works at Tate Britain clearly has a thoughtful subtext in which colonial issues, gender and everything else that constitutes the alpha and omega of today’s…

  • News from Bayeux

    Le Parisien informed us in an article dated 11 July that Nicole Paolini, a resident of Bayeux who died in March at the age of 86 and had no children, had bequeathed assets worth an estimated 2…

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  • The Drosnay church fire

    It’s a tradition we could do without: as soon as a church in France burns down, the extremists go wild on social networks to denounce a supposed Islamist attack on the values of the West. But…

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  • Two paintings by Bouguereau restored at Saint-Vincent-de-Paul

    This is about the only cause for satisfaction in Paris, but it is real: the restoration of the churches is progressing and we are even late in describing all the operations that have already been…

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