Bénédicte Bonnet Saint-Georges


  • A Liotard for Chicago

    Noticed at the last TEFAF, where it was exhibited on the stand of the London gallery Lowell Libson & Jonny Yarker, this portrait by Jean-Étienne Liotard has finally joined the collections of…

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  • A painting by Rochegrosse acquired by the Petit Palais

    It is difficult to know whether this Japanese from Workshop is really Sarah Bernhardt. The painting is by Georges Rochegrosse, who represented the actress on several occasions. It was bought by…

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  • A Letourneur sculpture donated to Cherbourg

    Flesh that you cut, old chap, it’s a disturbing thing, you love it and you’re afraid of it, it vibrates so much. But it’s very difficult to work, it’s as hard as a donkey and the tools only go…

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  • A painting by Pietro Ricchi for Venice

    A painting acquired by the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice brings to mind an artist who is difficult to pin down: Pietro Ricchi, nicknamed "il Lucchese". The work, bought on 16 November 2022 at…

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  • Sarah Bernhardt. And the woman created the star

    "I’m not sure that Madame Sarah Bernhardt, at the point she’s at, is still able to find the right intonation to say "Good morning Sir, how are you?" She needs the extraordinary to be herself" The…

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  • The Musée Fragonard acquires two Mallet

    The subject of these two compositions is almost identical: in both cases, a young woman - one in white, the other nude - prepares to receive a man - one standing, dashing and undoubtedly…

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  • Leuven acquires a painting by Michaelina Wautier

    She was a 17th-century painter whose works were often attributed to her brother, Charles Wautier, or to other male artists such as Jacob van Oost the Elder. However, Michaelina Wautier gained…

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  • A painting by Fleury Richard acquired by Bordeaux

    I was even more displeased than compassionate to see him in Ferrara in such a pitiful state, outliving himself, unaware of both himself and his works, which, without his knowledge, and…

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