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Violent and spectacular robbery at the Musée Cognacq-Jay

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1. The display case broken by thieves in the Luxe de Poche exhibition
Photo: Paris Musées
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20/11/24 - Theft - Paris, Musée Cognacq-Jay - The Musée Cognacq-Jay was the victim of a major theft this morning, about which little or no information has yet been released. Several hooded individuals entered the museum armed with axes, threatened the staff and headed straight for the display case containing the most precious objects from the Luxe de Poche exhibition, which was due to end at the end of the week, under conditions that we know nothing more about. The display case, which they smashed ill. 1) showed, among other things, boxes from the English royal collections (ill. 2), and one - undoubtedly the most extraordinary - from the Gilbert…

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