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16th-century Italian sculpture acquired by the Prado

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4/10/23 - Acquisition - Madrid, Prado Museum - A marble by Giovanni Bandini has finally been purchased by the Prado Museum, having been declared a "property of cultural interest" last April by the Comunidad de Madrid [1]. This Venus accompanied by Cupid joins a bronze by the Florentine sculptor entitled The Hunt, which he created to convince the Duke of Urbino of his talent; however, the Duke preferred the famous and brilliant Giambologna. The group in The Hunt was later presented by Francesco Maria II della Rovere to the future Philip II of Spain.

1. Giovanni di Benedetto Bandini del Castello called Giovanni dell’Opera (1540-1599)
Venus and Cupid,
Marble - 110 cm
Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado
Photo: Prado
See the image in its page
2. Giovanni di…

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