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Orsay acquires a bust by Maillol

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24/5/23 - Acquisition - Paris, Musée d’Orsay - On private loan, it was presented during the first two Parisian and Zurich stages of the remarkable Maillol retrospective exhibition which will end in Roubaix in a few days (see article). The terracotta bust of Marthe Denis made by Aristide Maillol around 1904 (ill. 1 and 2) has finally joined the collections of the Musée d’Orsay, which acquired it from the descendants of Maurice and Marthe Denis. The important corpus of Maillol’s sculptures already preserved has been enriched by a masterly testimony to the "artistic fraternity" between the Catalan sculptor and the Saint-German painter. A lasting friendship studied in the exhibition catalogue by Ophélie Ferlier-Bouat, director of the Musée Bourdelle (see the news item of 24/9/21), and…

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