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Two exhibitions in rue Chaptal

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1. Jean-Victor Bertin (1767-1842)
Narcissus, c. 1796-1805
Oil on paper mounted under glass - D. 18.5 cm
Exhibition Galerie La Nouvelle Athènes
Photo: Galerie La Nouvelle Athènes
See the image in its page

16/11/24 - Art Market and Acquisitions - Paris and Chantilly, Musée Condé - Some galleries start their exhibitions early, which is a good idea for journalists trying to keep up with all the events in Paris at the time of the Salon du Dessin and FAB Paris: at least it means we don’t have to write about everything at the same time. The two galleries on rue Chaptal inaugurated their new exhibitions just over a week ago, and are continuing them until almost the end of the month, which gives art lovers a bit of time to visit them.
We’ll start with the traditional catalogue of La Nouvelle Athènes (available online here) devoted to the paintings (the drawings are usually presented in the spring). As usual, there is a fine collection of nineteenth-century works, ranging from Jean-Victor Bertin (ill. 1), an artist whose catalogue raisonné is being prepared by one of the two gallery owners, Damien Dumarquez, to Marcel Lenoir (a work dating from 1906).

2. Jean-Victor Bertin (1767-1842)
La Loge de Viarmes, c. 1805
Oil on canvas - 38 x 50 cm
Exhibition Galerie La Nouvelle Athènes
Acquired for the Musée Condé de Chantilly
Photo: Galerie La Nouvelle Athènes
See the image in its page

As far as Bertin is concerned, the Musée Condé has just been enriched, thanks to collector and patron Alice Goldet, with the other painting exhibited by the gallery ((ill. 2), which will be sent to the Château de Chantilly after the end of the exhibition. The work was an ideal choice for inclusion in the gallery’s collections, as it concerns the Loge de Viarmes, a small château dating from the late 13th century, remodelled between 1825 and 1828 for Louis VI Henri de Bourbon-Condé by the architect Victor Dubois. Transformed into an early example of a…

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