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Theft of three works from the Château de Vaux en Champagne

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22/7/24 - Stolen works - Fouchères, Château de Vaux - Three items were stolen on Sunday 21 July from the Château de Vaux en Champagne, in the commune of Fouchères (Aube): a Louis XV period cartel (ill. 1) and two gilded candlestick holders (ill. 2), which were in the grand salon (ill. 3). This burglary is all the more appalling given that this part of the monument had only been open to the public for two months, after eleven months of restoration and refurbishment. What’s more, while the cartel was bought by the current owners to furnish the château, the room holders, donated by local people, belong to the history of the site, as they were in the chapel in the 19th century.

1. Cartel d’époque Louis XV
Fouchères, Château de Vaux
Volé le 21 juillet 2024
Photo : Château…

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