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The Tavitian donation at the Clark Art Institute (2)
- 1. Italie, vers 1515-1520
Portrait of a Young Man
Holding a Lira da Braccio
Oil on panel - 78.4 x 55.5 cm
Williamstown, Clark Art Institute
Photo: Public domain - See the image in its page
16/11/24 - Acquisitions - Williamstown, Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute - After a first news item devoted to the very important bequest made to the Clark Institute by the Aso Tavitian Foundation, the second focuses on sixteenth-century Italian paintings. The collector’s pronounced taste for portraits is particularly evident here, as all the paintings are in this genre with the exception of a Christ Carrying His Cross by Bronzino and a Giulio Romano. Of the latter, representing Alexander the Great holding a statue (a kind of portrait, in other words), we have no photograph,…