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The Prado buys a painting by Paolo de San Leocadio
29/10/23 - Acquisition - Madrid, Museo del Prado - In the foreground, John, Peter and James are dozing, while Christ is praying: "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not my will but yours be done". An angel appears to him and presents him with the chalice that foreshadows his Passion. In the background, other apostles are slumbering in clusters, while Judas appears in the background, leading a group of armed soldiers.
This scene from the Garden of Olives by Paolo de San Leocadio was purchased by the Museo del Prado, with the help of the American Friends, from the Bernat Gallery. It joins three works attributed to the master, The Virgin of the Knight of Montesa, as well as The Virgin of Sorrows and The Saint Saviour, which form pendants. The museum also…