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The Musée de la Marine buys a large painting by Eugène Isabey

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8/1/25 - Acquisition - Paris, Musée de la Marine - Well-known to design enthusiasts, the Demish Danant gallery is - perhaps - less familiar to readers of La Tribune de l’Art who have undoubtedly had the opportunity to discover its rather singular proposals at the various fairs in which it participates. At Maastricht, for example, we discovered a spectacular marine by Eugène Isabey enthroned above a sofa by Maria Pergay, next to the very tasty Charles de Gaulle Portrait Seat by César and Roger Tallon, a unique piece produced in 1967.

1. Matelots Saluting Christ on Leaving the Port of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux by Eugène Isabey presented at TEFAF Maastricht in March 2023
Photo: Galerie Demisch Danant
See the image in its page

Based in New York, New York dealer Stéphane Danant’s impeccable taste allows him to juxtapose his favourite artist with far more modern creations, since this Eugène Isabey painting is exactly one hundred years older than this seat, which no doubt would not have been much appreciated by the General! In November 2023, at FAB Paris, the gallerist once again offered a similar mix, with his immense Isabey alongside (ill. 1, 2 and 3) his pieces of furniture.

2. Matelots Saluting Christ on Leaving the Port of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux by Eugène Isabey presented at FAB Paris in November 2023
Photo: Galerie Demisch Danant
See the image in its page
3. Matelots Saluting Christ on Leaving the Port of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux by Eugène Isabey presented at FAB Paris in November 2023
Photo: Galerie Demisch Danant
See the image in its page

This vast composition therefore made a very welcome return to Paris, particularly for the Musée de la Marine: neglecting the [desk] with its flowing lines by Joseph-André Motte, also designed a century later, they only had eyes for this large format, which seemed destined for the institution housed in the Palais de Chaillot. It took some time, however, since the work could…

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