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The Musée Bossuet buys a painting by Nicolas Loir

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29/5/24 - Acquisition - Meaux, Musée Bossuet - Several masterpieces from Notre-Dame de Paris have been restored since the fire and are currently on display at the Mobilier National (see article). Among the Mays is the one painted by Nicolas Loir in 1649, Saint Paul Blinds the False Prophet Barjesu and Converts the Proconsul Sergius. The painter is also in the news at the Musée Bossuet, the art and history museum of the town of Meaux, which recently purchased one of his paintings from the Poncelin de Raucourt gallery: The Penitent Magdalene in the Desert, identified by François Marandet in 2022 (ill. 1). The Musée Bossuet conserves a rich collection of 17th-century French paintings, notably those donated by Jean-Pierre Changeux, some of whose major pieces were on display in the…

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