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The Cité du Vitrail in Troyes: a disappointment equal to the expectations

All the versions of this article: English , français
1. The former Hôtel-Dieu of Troyes, now (in part) the Cité du Vitrail
Photo: Didier Rykner
See the image in its page

We had been waiting for this for a long time, and an excellent exhibition we had been able to visit during the prefiguration phase (see article) gave us hope that the project would finally allow the creation of a real museum dedicated to stained glass. Our disappointment with the Troyes International Stained Glass Centre, which opened its doors to the public a few weeks ago, is commensurate with our hopes. We will nevertheless remain balanced in our criticism for several reasons. Firstly, because the team in charge of the project is competent in the field of stained glass, and has done an excellent job of conserving and listing heritage collections. Secondly, because the monument hosting the project, the former Hôtel-Dieu of Troyes (ill. 1 and 2), has been well restored and enhanced. Then, because the exhibitions that will come up seem very promising. Finally, because the "Cité" du vitrail - which is not a museum, and that is the problem - will certainly become a major centre for the conservation of this technique and a point of entry for a better understanding of the glass heritage in France, particularly in the Aube region via the "route des vitraux", which is committed to presenting - and opening to the public - a great number of churches.

2. The former Hôtel-Dieu of Troyes, now (in part) the Cité du Vitrail
Photo: Didier Rykner
See the image in its page

We will come back to all this, but first we must explain our disappointment. Admittedly, the communication is clear: it is not really a museum. But it does have collections, and a building to display them. That the space is insufficient is obvious - one day the university that is still in the other half of the building will have to give way to it. But why then should it use the rooms at its disposal so little, and so badly? Let us summarise what the…

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