The Burlington Magazine - n° 1439 vol CLXV - February 2023

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Northern Art and Artists


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Pieter Biesboer, The Loo family of Haarlem in portraits by Hals and Verspronck

Christine Slottved Kimbriel, The Buccleuch portrait of Sir Nicholas Carew re-examined

John Gash, New perspectives on Gérard Douffet in Italy and Malta

Edward Corp, Portraits of the exiled Stuarts by Scottish painters

Jeremy Wood, A new catalogue of Rubens’s drawings

Emilie Den Tonkelaar, A rediscovered oil sketch by Peter Paul Rubens

Justin Davies, A new date for Anthony van Dyck’s free mastership

Andrew M. Watson, New light on the nineteenth-century history of Vermeer’s ‘a maid asleep’


Christian Weikop, Making Modernism : Paula Modersohn-Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin

Adeline Schwabauer, Islam in Europe : 1000–1250

Anja Katharina Frisch, Alabaster

Beverly Louise Brown, Vittore Carpaccio : Master Storyteller of Renaissance Venice

Piers Baker-Bates, Otro Renacimiento : Artistas Españoles en Nápoles a comienzos del Cinquecento

Pascal-François Bertrand, Le Blason des temps nouveaux : Signes, emblèmes et couleurs dans la France de la Renaissance

Giulia Martina Weston, Timeless Wonder : Painting on Stone in Rome in the Cinquecento and Seicento

Francesco Leone, Io, Canova : Genio europeo

Jeremy Lewison, Joan Mitchell Retrospective Monet – Mitchell

David Hopkins, Max Ernst

Talia Kwartler, Etel Adnan


Charlotte Gere, Painting Antiquity : Ancient Egypt in the Art of Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Edward Poynter and Edwin Long Visions of Ancient Egypt

Philippe Cordez, La coupe de sainte Agnès (France – Espagne – Angleterre)

Karl-Georg Pfändtner, Die illuminierten Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Graz 1225–1300

Deborah Howard, Venetian Inscriptions : Vernacular Writing for Public Display in Medieval and Renaissance Venice

Charles Avery, De Filarete a Riccio : Bronzes italiens de la Renaissance (1430–1550)

Jeremy Warren, The Allure of Glazed Terracotta in Renaissance Italy

Melanie Hayes, The Early Residential Buildings of Trinity College Dublin : Architecture, Financing, People

Yuriko Jackall, Madame de Pompadour : Painted Pink

Charles Darwent, Piet Mondrian : A Life

Beth Williamson, Robert Motherwell Drawings : A Catalogue Raisonné Robert Motherwell Drawing : As Fast as the Mind Itself


Katharine Lee Reid (1941–2022)

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