The Burlington Magazine - n° 1391 vol CLXI - Avril 2019


The Burlington Magazine website


Doris Carl, An inventory of Lorenzo Ghiberti’s collection of antiquities

Kristen Tambling, John Thomson, Archibald Grant, and Hogarth’s ‘Before’ and ‘After’

Francesca Curti, A portrait of Juan de Córdoba by Diego Velázquez

Charlotte Bolland and Andrew Chen, Meynnart Wewyck and the portrait of Lady Margaret Beaufort in the Master’s Lodge, St John’s College, Cambridge


Martha Barrat, Hilma af Klint : paintings for the future

Nicola Jennings, Bermejo : the 15th-century Rebel Genius

Debra Pincus, Moroni : The Riches of Renaissance Portraiture

Gianni Papi, Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europe

Caterina Volpi, Rubens, Van Dyck, Ribera : the Collection of a Prince

Michael Hall, John Ruskin : the Power if Seeing

Jonathan Vernon, Lost, Loose and Loved : Foreign Artists in Paris 1944 - 1968

Hilary Roberts, Don McCullin

James Cahill, Jeff Koons at the Ashmuseum


Michel Hochmann, Paolo Veronese and the Practice of Paintings in Late Renaissance Venice, D. Gisolfi

Lesley Milner, Tomb and Temple Re-imagining the Sacred Buildings of Jerusalem, R. Griffith-Jones and E. Fernie, eds

Maeve O’Donnell, Al servei de l’altar : Tresors d’orfebreria de les esglésies Catalanes (segles IX–XIII), L. Hereza Lebron

Elizabeth Cleland, Habsburg Tapestries (Studies in Western Tapestry, 4), I. Buchanan

Peter Cherry, Corpus Murillo : Biografía y documentos, P. Hereza Lebron

Mark Evans, Joris and Jacob Hoefnagel : Art and Science around 1600, T. Vignau-Wilberg

Barry Bergdoll, Schinkel : A Meander through his Life and Work, K.W. Forster

Nicholas Cooper, William Morris and his Palace of Art : Architecture, Interiors and Design at Red House, T. Wild

Eric Zafran, El Greco Comes to America : The Discovery of a Modern Old Master, I Reist and J.L. Colomer, eds

Joseph Masheck, No Idols : The Missing Theology of Art, T. Crow


Erin Griffey and Lorne Campbell, Iain Buchanan (1948 - 2018)

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