The Burlington Magazine - n° 1391 vol CLXI - Février 2019


The future of the Art Fund’s volunteers


Jaynie Anderson, Kim Wilson, Nerida Newbigin, Julie Sommerfeldt, Giorgione in Sydney

Iain Buchanan, A portrait of Emanuel van Meteren and his wife, Hester van Corput, by Joris Hoefnagel

Elizabeth Doe Stone, Relocating Anders Zorn’s ‘Ice Skater’

Shorter notices on drawings

Greg Clingham, ‘I stole his likeness’ : an unknown drawing of Samuel Johnson and James Boswell

Elania Pieragostini, Nicholas Stanley-Price, The earliest visual record of the grave of John Keats

Jan Marsh, ‘The Order of the Garter’ : an unpublished drawing by Simeon Solomon

Review articles

Nicholas Penny, Michelangelo and the Rothschild bronzes

David M. Stone, Up for attribution : Guercino’s ‘trial versions’ and a new catalogue raisonné


Dexter Dalwood, Fernand Léger : New Times, New Pleasures. Tate Liverpool

Scott Nethersole, Piero della Francesca : Monarch of Painting. State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg

Maurice Sass, Heinrich Reinhold : Tracing the Landscape. Hamburger Kunsthalle

Louis Cellauro,Gilbert Richaud, The Art of the Building Site : Construction and Demolition from the 16th to the 21st Century. Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris

Julian Treuherz, Christina Rossetti : Vision & Verse. Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey

Frances Blythe, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner : Imaginary Travels. Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn

Frances K. Pohl, Outliers and American Vanguard Art. Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Robert Slifkin, Martha Rosler : Irrespective. Jewish Museum, New York


Jenny Saunt, The Life and Work of Thomas Chippendale Junior. By Judith Goodison

Oliver Mitchell, The Great East Window of York Minster : An English Masterpiece. By Sarah Brown

Helena Szépe, Illuminated Manuscripts and Incunabula in Cambridge. A Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge Colleges. Part V, Illuminated Incunabula. Volume one, Books Printed in Italy before 1501. By Azzurra Elena Andriolo and Suzanne Reynolds

Charles Robertson, Eros Visible : Art, Sexuality and Antiquity in Renaissance Italy. By James Grantham Turner

Tico Seifert, Dutch Drawings in Swedish Public Collections. By Börje Magnusson

Jørgen Hein, Elfenbeinkunst im Grünen Gewölbe zu Dresden : Geschichte einer Sammlung. Wissenschaftlicher Bestandskatalog – Statuetten, Figurengruppen, Reliefs, Gefäße, Varia. By Jutta Kappel

Catherine R. Puglisi, Peintures italiennes du XVIIIe siècle du musée du Louvre. By Stéphane Loire

John Milner, The Russian Art of Movement, 1920–1930. By Nicoletta Misler, transl. John E. Bowlt

Robert Silberman, Reframing Luchino Visconti : Film and Art. By Ivo Blom

Richard E. Spear, The Eye : An Insider’s Memoir of Masterpieces, Money, and the Magnetism of Art. By Philippe Costamagna, transl. Frank Wynne

G.A. Bremner, Capital Designs : Australia House and Visions of an Imperial London. By Eileen Chanin


Donal Cooper, Janet Robson (1959–2018)

Frank Salmon, David Watkin (1941–2018)

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