The Burlington Magazine - n° 1389 vol CLX - Décembre 2018


The Turner Prize


Rosalind P. Blakesley, Russia, Rome and the tricky business of disaster painting

Louise Hardiman, The ‘Martinoff Drawings’ : a quest for Russian art at the South Kensington Museum

John E. Bowlt, Vasily Kandinsky and the Formal method

Clara Menganna et Luca Pesante, The predella of the Oddi Altarpiece from S. Agostino, Perugia


Julian Gardner, Apogeo e fine del Medioevo (La Pittura Medievale a Roma, 312–1431. Corpus VI). Edited by Serena Romano

Karen Stöber, Die Zisterzienser : das Europa der Klöster. Edited by by Gabriele Uelsberg, Lothar Altringer, Georg Mölich, Norbert Nussbaum and Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck

Frederica C.E. Law-Turner, The Sobieski Hours : A Most Beautiful Manuscript from the British Royal Collection. Facsimile edition. Commentary by Jenny Stratford and Jane Roberts

Karen Serres, On Display : Henrietta Maria and the Materials of Magnificence at the Stuart Court. By Erin Griffey

Jennifer Montagu, Pittura di marmo : Storia e fortuna delle pale d’altare a rilievo nella Roma di Bernini (Biblioteca dell’‘Archivum Romanicum’, Serie I : Letteratura, Paleografia, 470). By Stefano Pierguidi

Christoph Martin Vogtherr, Dans l’oeil du connaisseur : Pierre-Jean Mariette (1694–1774) et la construction des savoirs en histoire de l’art. By Valérie Kobi

Martin Harrison, Windows for the World : Nineteenth-Century Stained Glass and the International Exhibitions, 1851–1900. By Jasmine Allen

Owen Hopkins, Shadow-Makers : A Cultural History of Shadows in Architecture. By Stephen Kite

Matthew Cheale, The Militant Muse : Love, War and the Women of Surrealism. By Whitney Chadwick

Genoveva Tusell García, Avant-garde Art and Criticism in Francoist Spain. By Paula Barreiro López

Jeremy Warren, Museo Statale Ermitage. La scultura italiana dal XVII al XVIII secolo : Da Bernini a Canova. Catalogo della Collezione. Edited by Sergej Androsov

Philip McEvansoneya, Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland : the Society of Artists’ Exhibitions Recreated Edited by David Fleming, Ruth Kenny and William Laffan

Megan Aldrich, Gothic Revival Worldwide : A. W. N. Pugin’s Global Influence. Edited by Timothy Brittain-Catlin, Jan De Maeyer and Martin Bressani


Tom Nichols, Coming of age : Jacopo Tintoretto

Keith Christiansen, Mantegna and Bellini. National Gallery, London

Neil Stratford, The Birth of Gothic Sculpture : Saint-Denis, Paris, Chartres 1135–1150. Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris

Nicholas Herman, Resplendent Illuminations : Books of Hours from the 13th to the 16th Century in Quebec Collections. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Alexandra Gajewski, Gothic : Paderborn Cathedral and 13th-Century Architecture in Europe. Diözesanmuseum, Paderborn

Elizabeth Alice Honig, Bruegel. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Luuk Pijl, Adriaen Brouwer : Master of Emotions. Museum Oudenaarde and the Flemish Ardennes

Robert Silberman, Siah Armajani : Follow This Line. Walker Art Center, Minneapolis

Lucy Bradnock, Judson Dance Theater : The Work Is Never Done. Museum of Modern Art, New York

Anna Campbell, Space Shifters. Hayward Gallery, London

Martin Caiger-Smith, Mika Rottenberg. Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art, London

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