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The Ashmolean wants to acquire a Fra Angelico

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26/9/24 - Patronage - Oxford, Ashmolean Museum - The Ashmolean Museum still has a month to raise the sum of £5 million to acquire a Crucifixion by Fra Angelico. Kept in the Ashburton collection in England for over 200 years, it was auctioned at Christie’s in London on 6 July 2023 for £5 million. Acquired by a foreign buyer, it has not been granted permission to leave the country and should therefore join the English public collections. To this end, the Ashmolean, which has already raised more than three million pounds thanks to major donors, a circle of more than 25 supporters and a major grant from the Art Fund, is launching an appeal for donations.

Fra Angelico (vers 1395/1400-1455)
The Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist, and Saint Mary Magdalene

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