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  • A new Monfreid for Montpellier

    (…) Musée Fabre has been working to build up a collection of works by Georges Daniel de Monfreid, the (…) Musée Fabre has been working to build up a collection of works by Georges Daniel de Monfreid, the (…)

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  • A new sketch by Ingres for Montauban

    (…) item of 25/10/23) and the Musée Fabre, a Monfreid (see the news item of 28/10 (…) item of 25/10/23) and the Musée Fabre, a Monfreid (see the news item of 28/10 (…)

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  • A new Monfreid preempted by Montpellier

    (…) artist and collector, Monfreid follows in the footsteps of François-Xavier Fabre, a historic donor (…) artist and collector, Monfreid follows in the footsteps of François-Xavier Fabre, a historic donor (…)

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