Research announcement: Jean-Baptiste Auguste Vinchon (1786-1855)

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Auguste Vinchon (1786-1855)
Self-portrait, circa 1810
Oil on canvas, 61 x 50 cm
Private Collection
Photo : Domaine Public via Wikimedia Commons
See the image in its page

As part of my doctoral studies at Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne under the supervision of Pierre Wat, I am writing a thesis on the painter Jean-Baptiste Auguste Vinchon (1786-1855), winner of the Prix de Rome in 1814 and official painter under the Restoration and the July Monarchy, as well as a catalog raisonné of his work.

I would like to thank in advance any individuals, collectors or institutions who may have works or documents on this artist for contacting me.

Charlotte de Waru

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