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  • Don’t blame me, blame him

    In view of the success of the petition for the conservation of Viollet-le-Duc’s stained glass windows, which has risen sharply in recent days and will certainly reach 200,000 signatories before…

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  • Anne Hidalgo, the Lady of the Rings

    It’s exhausting. There are few months, or even weeks, when Anne Hidalgo doesn’t take a decision that is harmful to our heritage and to Paris. Without any real opposition from the State or the…

  • The Louvre Colonnade: an enchanted interlude

    You have to see it to believe it. For the first time in at least twenty years, if not more, the Louvre colonnade, that masterpiece of classical architecture attributed to Claude Perrault - but in…

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  • A Michel Dorigny decoration at Port-Marly town hall

    Les décors peints du XVIIe siècle français conservés sont suffisamment rares pour ne pas signaler tous ceux que l’on peut encore voir, notamment lorsqu’ils sont conservés dans des bâtiments…

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  • The ‘ephemeral’ Grand Palais must go

    Never, of course, should the Ministry of Culture or Paris City Council have agreed to the installation of the ‘ephemeral’ Grand Palais in front of the École Militaire, a building by Gabriel, one of…

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