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Derniers articles publiés

  • Liège: hide these sculptures from sight

    A petition - which is beginning to be widely quoted in the Belgian media (see for example this report on RTL Info) - has just been launched to protest against the presence on a building in the…

  • Maturity crisis in Brussels

    From adulthood, we have fallen back into childhood. This regression can be seen in a multitude of details, with certain injunctions giving us the feeling, perhaps pleasurable for some, of being…

  • The Ministry of Culture needs continuity

    At a time when everyone is anxiously awaiting the appointment of a new Franch Prime Minister and therefore a new government, La Tribune de l’Art is obviously primarily interested in the Ministry…

  • A first visit to the restored Notre-Dame

    In recent months, the restoration of Notre-Dame has restored the building’s familiar silhouette to the Paris skyline. The spire is rising again, exactly like the one that disappeared in the fire,…

Dans cette rubrique

  • "Stay Together... Or Else!"

    For weeks, a number of journalists who had followed the Notre-Dame construction site closely, like the author of these lines, had been asking to be allowed to visit the restored cathedral before…

  • Let’s keep the stained glass and recreate the decor!

    Nous publierons demain ce que nous avons pensé de la restauration intérieure de Notre-Dame de Paris (spoiler : c’est superbe), mais nous voudrions revenir ici sur l’affaire des vitraux du bas-côté…

  • Update on the Notre-Dame stained-glass windows affair

    On 21 November, the ‘artistic commission’ set up by the Ministry of Culture met to choose the artist who would - if all goes wrong - create new stained glass windows for Notre-Dame cathedral. They…

  • A reprieve for the cour du Bel-Air staircase

    The case of the Cour du Bel-Air, where several architectural features are under threat, including in the short term a very fine 19th-century staircase, was off to a bad start, with the DRAC…

    Subscriber content
  • Heritage funding: answers to our opponents’ arguments

    The idea floated by Rachida Dati of charging admission to Notre-Dame, which if implemented would lead to its extension to many religious buildings in France, is arousing passions. It even pits…

  • Remarkable announcements from the Minister for Culture

    The interview that Rachida Dati has just given to our colleagues at Figaro marks, in our view, an unexpected and remarkable turning point in the heritage policy of the Ministry of Culture. While…

  • Restoration: training for excellence at the INP

    Twelve billion matches. That’s what the Aubervilliers factory produced every year, thanks to the white phosphorus made from bones from the region’s abattoirs. Founded in 1867, rebuilt in 1902 and…

    Subscriber content
  • Fontaine Saint-Michel: highly lucrative advertising

    The system is perverse, and we have denounced it on many occasions: advertising on historic monuments in France, which is usually prohibited, was authorised in 2007 on condition that it was…

  • « Rocher Mistral », heritage and parasol

    In an opinion piece recently published in Figarovox, Vianney-Marie Audemard d’Alançon, chairman of SAS Rocher Mistral and unsuccessful creator of an amusement park at the classified Château de La…

  • Notre-Dame: the untruths of Archbishop Ulrich

    Can you be an archbishop and lie? Clearly, yes, as Archbishop Laurent Ulrich has just demonstrated in an interview given to the newspaper Paris Notre-Dame, which distributes the good word of...…

  • Bercy protects the sell-off of châteaux

    It may be a politically uncertain time in France, but there is no denying the need to make savings. Antoine Armand, the new Minister for the Economy and Finance, and Laurent Saint-Martin, the new…

  • The poet and the rood screen

    Yesterday, Wednesday, The French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) organised a press conference to give an update on the discoveries at Notre-Dame. La Tribune de…