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Ephemeral Grand Palais: "GL Events is making a mockery of everyone".

All the versions of this article: English , français

English version coming soon.

The ephemeral Grand Palais
Photo: Didier Rykner
See the image in its page

GL Events, a company that certainly has a lot of nerve, has just announced that the dismantling of the "Grand Palais éphémère", initially scheduled for 30 November, will not begin until the first quarter of 2025, whereas it was supposed to be completed at the end of November (see this article in the Parisien).
 The arguments used by the company to justify this delay are lunar:

 "The dismantling/reassembly sequence would require "specific expertise, administrative procedures and deadlines that could not be met in four weeks, especially as the Champ-de-Mars is an unstable site with subsoils that are not perfectly controlled"".

But the decision to build was taken four years ago, and the…

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